
Create robust application connectors that esablish seamless traceability links across your engineering tools. Enhance integration and collaboration, by ensuring your engineering applications work in harmony.

With LynxDesigner’s intuitive low-code environment, you can graphically model and develop APIs for any engineering application. The connectors created with LynxDesigner enable users to easily establish traceability links between items across various engineering platforms, such as Siemens Polarion, IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (IBM DOORS, etc), and Siemens Teamcenter. LynxDesigner is fully compliant with the OASIS OSLC interoperability standard. You can try the Jira Connector and SharePoint Connector to see how LynxDesigner can streamline your processes.

Develop an application Connector with LynxDesigner

See how to create a connector for JIRA that will help the user create traceability links from applications such as Siemens Polarion and IBM Doors NG.

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Seamlessly create traceability links from any engineering applications directly to Issues in Jira.

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